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2Cubed goes to the Dublin Web Summit

Here are some of our thoughts from the Web Summit over the two days.. really great information. Follow 2_Cubed on Twitter for more of the same. We got some great up to date and relevant information over the 2 days. We were also delighted to be asked by Paddy Cosgrave to be part of the…


Here are some of our thoughts from the Web Summit over the two days.. really great information.

Follow 2_Cubed on Twitter for more of the same. We got some great up to date and relevant information over the 2 days.

We were also delighted to be asked by Paddy Cosgrave to be part of the Live Team for the 2 Days.

This screen will hit a nerve with many software startups! Get business first then the software #websummit

Success behind most of the big Internet companies like Google and YouTube were created by very rich people. Massive head start #websummit

Choose & Focus on 3 Metrics ONLY #onesheet #websummit

Great slide very true! ‘Don’t Solve Problems you Don’t have’

@jonmarkgo from #twillio great presentation at #DeveloperStage #Websummit

#Twillio writing code live.. very cool.. making live calls automatically.. #websummit

Data converting it into something that has some joy involved.. @electricirelandtweetcafe being referenced #websummit

Anna from byFlock, #bigdata how to capture it, how to search it.. and how to display in a way that people will understand #websummit

Not training developers properly & allow them to copy boilerplate code, stops developers from thinking that need to move the web forward #websummit

#perch CMS must look at this.. interesting.. #websummit

HTML5 boilerplate why use this from the start?? you are solving issues before they arise.. humm .. #websummit  responsive design.. HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfill #websummit

Frustration with browsers they change quickly, developers have to quickly adapt code for it to still work on old and new browsers #websummit

Web standards and browsers are all now more or less the same and standard features #websummit

Factual global data for places & products in a normalised way #websummit

Shared Conversations and Shared Experiences are the way to build a culture and a vision for culture within the organisation #websummit

#websummit Oh the timezone issue.. I hear the pain.. #engineyard 8 timezones

First Hires are so important as they set the tone of the company going forward especially in Start Ups #websummit

Trust & Communication necessary for a developer culture.. what ever your background is! #websummit

Building Culture .. With Eamon Leonard Engine Yard

#websummit gives a coding challenge when hiring developers.. I agree with this!@mattmickiewicz

#websummit  new website to hire developers

#websummit man from 99designs

#websummit Google has 900 DEVELOPERS!! very competitive

Matt Mickiewicz of 99designs and  … Looking forward to this!#websummit

@Behance is the Internet harming the creative industries? #websummit

#websummit send emails at the right time! @sailthru